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Caffeine: the most potent artificial intelligence drink!
Deep in the Lair of the Perpetually Curious Fox

Saturday 23 March 2019

In the Quiet and Stillness

This awkward Dance, 'twixt you and I-
The quiet glances, the secret smiles;
What lies in store, down Minkowskian line-
Will we part ways, will be I, in arms thine?

The lives that run in parallel ways-
Connects yet not, despite their goals;
Just aether-bound in mutual Love-
For frontiers seen not by other souls

As Rumi did orbit, adoringly, Tabrizi's Shams-
A mutual Love kept pure and whole;
Never to feel thine, warm strong arms-
Pulled away, yet still, by my Duties and Goals.

So Dance I do, this awkward way-
From afar, my thoughts for you today;
These Words, to you, I shall never say-
In the Quiet and the Stillness they shall stay.